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Wed, 5/26/2021
Birding report at 平和みなみ緑地(札幌市西区)

Date and time
Wed, 5/26/2021 PM1:15〜PM2:00
wb_sunny / 20
4 species
0 species
0 species

White Wagtail

Scientific Name Motacilla alba
White Wagtail

DA L 55-300mmF4-5.8ED(PENTAX)

Oriental Turtle Dove

Scientific Name Streptopelia orientalis
Oriental Turtle Dove

DA L 55-300mmF4-5.8ED(PENTAX)

Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Scientific Name Passer montanus
Eurasian Tree Sparrow

DA L 55-300mmF4-5.8ED(PENTAX)



Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

White Wagtail
White Wagtail / Motacilla alba
Oriental Turtle Dove
Oriental Turtle Dove / Streptopelia orientalis
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Eurasian Tree Sparrow / Passer montanus
Large-billed Crow
Large-billed Crow / Corvus macrorhynchos

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