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Sat, 7/17/2021
Birding report at 帯那高原

Date and time
Sat, 7/17/2021 AM5:00〜
wb_sunny /
20 species
2 species
0 species
Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

Japanese Thrush
Japanese Thrush / Turdus cardis
Japanese Tit
Japanese Tit / Parus minor
Warbling White-eye
Warbling White-eye / Zosterops japonicus
Ashy Minivet
Ashy Minivet / Pericrocotus divaricatus
Japanese Grosbeak
Japanese Grosbeak / Eophona personata
Japanese Bush Warbler
Japanese Bush Warbler / Horornis diphone
Meadow Bunting
Meadow Bunting / Emberiza cioides
Eurasian Jay
Eurasian Jay / Garrulus glandarius
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker / Dendrocopos major
Long-tailed Tit 🌟
Long-tailed Tit / Aegithalos caudatus
Bull-headed Shrike
Bull-headed Shrike / Lanius bucephalus
Brown-eared Bulbul
Brown-eared Bulbul / Hypsipetes amaurotis
Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow / Hirundo rustica
White-bellied Green Pigeon
White-bellied Green Pigeon / Treron sieboldii
Large-billed Crow
Large-billed Crow / Corvus macrorhynchos
Eastern Buzzard
Eastern Buzzard / Buteo japonicus
Blue-and-white Flycatcher 🌟
Blue-and-white Flycatcher / Cyanoptila cyanomelana
Eurasian Nuthatch
Eurasian Nuthatch / Sitta europaea
Asian House Martin
Asian House Martin / Delichon dasypus
Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker
Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker / Yungipicus kizuki

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