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Mon, 5/7/2018
Birding report at Green Island(Cairns)

Date and time
Mon, 5/7/2018
- /
9 species
4 species
0 species

Brown Noddy

Scientific Name Anous stolidus

Pacific Reef Heron

Scientific Name Egretta sacra

Buff-banded Rail

Scientific Name Hypotaenidia philippensis

Beach Stone-curlew

Scientific Name Esacus magnirostris

Greater Crested Tern

Scientific Name Thalasseus bergii

Green IslandはGreat Adventureが運行している高速カタマラン船で、ケアンズ港から船で約50分の離島です。本当はMichaelmas Cayに行きたかったけど、GW中だというのにMichaelmas Cay行きの船がメンテ中でMichaelmas Cayに行けなかった。 MIchaelmas Cayは綺麗な海とアジサシやグンカンドリ、カツオドリなどの海鳥がたくさんいることで有名な島ですが、こちらのGreen Islandはナンヨウクイナがそこら中にいます。アジサシ類もいるけどそこまで多くないです。

Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

Brown Noddy 🌟
Brown Noddy / Anous stolidus
White-breasted Woodswallow
White-breasted Woodswallow / Artamus leucorynchus
Silvereye / Zosterops lateralis
Pacific Reef Heron 🌟
Pacific Reef Heron / Egretta sacra
Buff-banded Rail 🌟
Buff-banded Rail / Hypotaenidia philippensis
Bar-shouldered Dove
Bar-shouldered Dove / Geopelia humeralis
Beach Stone-curlew 🌟
Beach Stone-curlew / Esacus magnirostris
Silver Gull
Silver Gull / Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae
Greater Crested Tern
Greater Crested Tern / Thalasseus bergii

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