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Sat, 6/23/2018
Birding report at あいな里山公園

Date and time
Sat, 6/23/2018 AM8:00〜AM11:00
wb_cloudy /
14 species
11 species
0 species

オオルリはメスの幼鳥 コゲラは樹液を吸っていた 鳥合わせで出たけど見ていない鳥たち↓ カルガモ ヤマガラ イワツバメ キビタキ スズメ キセキレイ セグロセキレイ イカル

Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker 🌟
Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker / Yungipicus kizuki
Red-billed Leiothrix 🌟
Red-billed Leiothrix / Leiothrix lutea
Meadow Bunting 🌟
Meadow Bunting / Emberiza cioides
Blue-and-white Flycatcher
Blue-and-white Flycatcher / Cyanoptila cyanomelana
Grey-capped Greenfinch 🌟
Grey-capped Greenfinch / Chloris sinica
Red-rumped Swallow 🌟
Red-rumped Swallow / Cecropis daurica
Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow / Hirundo rustica
White-cheeked Starling 🌟
White-cheeked Starling / Spodiopsar cineraceus
Lesser Cuckoo 🌟
Lesser Cuckoo / Cuculus poliocephalus
Eurasian Goshawk 🌟
Eurasian Goshawk / Accipiter gentilis
Large-billed Crow 🌟
Large-billed Crow / Corvus macrorhynchos
Carrion Crow 🌟
Carrion Crow / Corvus corone
Warbling White-eye
Warbling White-eye / Zosterops japonicus
Blue Rock Thrush 🌟
Blue Rock Thrush / Monticola solitarius

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