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Mon, 10/3/2022
Birding report at Black Mountain Rd(Kuranda,Australia)

Date and time
Mon, 10/3/2022
wb_sunny / 30
25 species
1 species
9 species

Pale-yellow Robin

Scientific Name Tregellasia capito

Yellow-spotted Honeyeater

Scientific Name Meliphaga notata

Dusky Myzomela

Scientific Name Myzomela obscura

Chestnut-breasted Mannikin

Scientific Name Lonchura castaneothorax

Brown Cuckoo-Dove

Scientific Name Macropygia phasianella

Victoria's Riflebird

Scientific Name Ptiloris victoriae

Varied Triller

Scientific Name Lalage leucomela

Bar-shouldered Dove

Scientific Name Geopelia humeralis

Leaden Flycatcher

Scientific Name Myiagra rubecula

Rufous Shrikethrush

Scientific Name Colluricincla rufogaster
Rufous Shrikethrush

Rufous Shrikethrush

Rufous Shrikethrush

Rufous Shrikethrush

Forest Kingfisher

Scientific Name Todiramphus macleayii

Spotted Catbird

Scientific Name Ailuroedus maculosus
Spotted Catbird

Zoo Pickerに種類名なしだけど和名マダラネコドリ

Macleay's Honeyeater

Scientific Name Xanthotis macleayanus

Metallic Starling

Scientific Name Aplonis metallica
Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

Pale-yellow Robin (E)
Pale-yellow Robin / Tregellasia capito
Yellow-spotted Honeyeater (E)
Yellow-spotted Honeyeater / Meliphaga notata
Dusky Myzomela
Dusky Myzomela / Myzomela obscura
Chestnut-breasted Mannikin
Chestnut-breasted Mannikin / Lonchura castaneothorax
Brown Cuckoo-Dove (E)
Brown Cuckoo-Dove / Macropygia phasianella
Victoria's Riflebird (E)
Victoria's Riflebird / Ptiloris victoriae
Varied Triller
Varied Triller / Lalage leucomela
Bar-shouldered Dove
Bar-shouldered Dove / Geopelia humeralis
Leaden Flycatcher 🌟
Leaden Flycatcher / Myiagra rubecula
Rufous Shrikethrush
Rufous Shrikethrush / Colluricincla rufogaster
Forest Kingfisher
Forest Kingfisher / Todiramphus macleayii
Spotted Catbird (E)
Spotted Catbird / Ailuroedus maculosus
Macleay's Honeyeater (E)
Macleay's Honeyeater / Xanthotis macleayanus
Metallic Starling
Metallic Starling / Aplonis metallica
Australian Rufous Fantail
Australian Rufous Fantail / Rhipidura rufifrons
Orange-footed Scrubfowl
Orange-footed Scrubfowl / Megapodius reinwardt
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo / Cacatua galerita
Willie Wagtail
Willie Wagtail / Rhipidura leucophrys
Australian Brushturkey (E)
Australian Brushturkey / Alectura lathami
Hornbill Friarbird (E)
Hornbill Friarbird / Philemon yorki
Laughing Kookaburra (E)
Laughing Kookaburra / Dacelo novaeguineae
Ornate Sunbird
Ornate Sunbird / Cinnyris ornatus
Spectacled Monarch
Spectacled Monarch / Symposiachrus trivirgatus
Wompoo Fruit Dove
Wompoo Fruit Dove / Ptilinopus magnificus
Peaceful Dove
Peaceful Dove / Geopelia placida

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