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Wed, 10/5/2022
Birding report at Chambers Wildlife Rainforest Lodges 周辺

Date and time
Wed, 10/5/2022
Chambers Wildlife Rainforest Lodges 周辺
wb_sunny / 28
22 species
4 species
11 species

Brown Cuckoo-Dove

Scientific Name Macropygia phasianella

Wompoo Fruit Dove

Scientific Name Ptilinopus magnificus

Rufous Shrikethrush

Scientific Name Colluricincla rufogaster

Pale-yellow Robin

Scientific Name Tregellasia capito

Victoria's Riflebird

Scientific Name Ptiloris victoriae

Australian Golden Whistler

Scientific Name Pachycephala pectoralis

Spectacled Monarch

Scientific Name Symposiachrus trivirgatus

Grey-headed Robin

Scientific Name Heteromyias cinereifrons


Scientific Name Zosterops lateralis

Spotted Catbird

Scientific Name Ailuroedus maculosus
Spotted Catbird


Yellow-throated Scrubwren

Scientific Name Neosericornis citreogularis

Atherton Scrubwren

Scientific Name Sericornis keri

Australasian Figbird

Scientific Name Sphecotheres vieilloti

Double-eyed Fig Parrot

Scientific Name Cyclopsitta diophthalma

Tooth-billed Bowerbird

Scientific Name Scenopoeetes dentirostris
Tooth-billed Bowerbird


Little Black Cormorant

Scientific Name Phalacrocorax sulcirostris
Little Black Cormorant


Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

Brown Cuckoo-Dove (E)
Brown Cuckoo-Dove / Macropygia phasianella
Wompoo Fruit Dove
Wompoo Fruit Dove / Ptilinopus magnificus
Rufous Shrikethrush
Rufous Shrikethrush / Colluricincla rufogaster
Pale-yellow Robin (E)
Pale-yellow Robin / Tregellasia capito
Victoria's Riflebird (E)
Victoria's Riflebird / Ptiloris victoriae
Australian Golden Whistler
Australian Golden Whistler / Pachycephala pectoralis
Spectacled Monarch
Spectacled Monarch / Symposiachrus trivirgatus
Grey-headed Robin (E)
Grey-headed Robin / Heteromyias cinereifrons
Silvereye / Zosterops lateralis
Spotted Catbird (E)
Spotted Catbird / Ailuroedus maculosus
Yellow-throated Scrubwren (E) 🌟
Yellow-throated Scrubwren / Neosericornis citreogularis
Atherton Scrubwren (E) 🌟
Atherton Scrubwren / Sericornis keri
Australasian Figbird
Australasian Figbird / Sphecotheres vieilloti
Double-eyed Fig Parrot 🌟
Double-eyed Fig Parrot / Cyclopsitta diophthalma
Tooth-billed Bowerbird (E) 🌟
Tooth-billed Bowerbird / Scenopoeetes dentirostris
Little Black Cormorant
Little Black Cormorant / Phalacrocorax sulcirostris
Australian Rufous Fantail
Australian Rufous Fantail / Rhipidura rufifrons
Eastern Whipbird (E)
Eastern Whipbird / Psophodes olivaceus
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo / Cacatua galerita
Welcome Swallow
Welcome Swallow / Hirundo neoxena
Lewin's Honeyeater (E)
Lewin's Honeyeater / Meliphaga lewinii
White-throated Treecreeper (E)
White-throated Treecreeper / Cormobates leucophaea
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