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Wed, 5/3/2023
Birding report at 毘沙門湾

Date and time
Wed, 5/3/2023
- /
6 species
0 species
0 species

Grey Heron

Scientific Name Ardea cinerea

Grey-tailed Tattler

Scientific Name Tringa brevipes

Black-tailed Gull

Scientific Name Larus crassirostris

Eurasian Whimbrel

Scientific Name Numenius phaeopus

Eurasian Wigeon

Scientific Name Mareca penelope

Barn Swallow

Scientific Name Hirundo rustica
Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

Grey Heron
Grey Heron / Ardea cinerea
Grey-tailed Tattler
Grey-tailed Tattler / Tringa brevipes
Black-tailed Gull
Black-tailed Gull / Larus crassirostris
Eurasian Whimbrel
Eurasian Whimbrel / Numenius phaeopus
Eurasian Wigeon
Eurasian Wigeon / Mareca penelope
Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow / Hirundo rustica

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