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Thu, 8/24/2023
Birding report at 南ゴビ

Date and time
Thu, 8/24/2023
- /
14 species
3 species
0 species

Greater Short-toed Lark

Scientific Name Calandrella brachydactyla

Greater Sand Plover

Scientific Name Anarhynchus leschenaultii
Greater Sand Plover


Pallas's Sandgrouse

Scientific Name Syrrhaptes paradoxus
Pallas's Sandgrouse



マンダルゴビ~ダランザドガドの約300kmを移動し、主にダランザドガド寄りの砂漠地帯で探鳥。 ニラの花が群生している付近でようやくサケイが見られました。花の種を食べているようでした。 オオチドリも期待していたのですが、今回の旅では見られず。

Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

Rock Sparrow
Rock Sparrow / Petronia petronia
Desert Wheatear
Desert Wheatear / Oenanthe deserti
Isabelline Wheatear
Isabelline Wheatear / Oenanthe isabellina
Northern Wheatear
Northern Wheatear / Oenanthe oenanthe
Mongolian Lark
Mongolian Lark / Melanocorypha mongolica
Greater Short-toed Lark 🌟
Greater Short-toed Lark / Calandrella brachydactyla
Horned Lark 🌟
Horned Lark / Eremophila alpestris
Northern Raven
Northern Raven / Corvus corax
Common Kestrel
Common Kestrel / Falco tinnunculus
Upland Buzzard
Upland Buzzard / Buteo hemilasius
Black Kite
Black Kite / Milvus migrans
Golden Eagle
Golden Eagle / Aquila chrysaetos
Greater Sand Plover
Greater Sand Plover / Anarhynchus leschenaultii
Pallas's Sandgrouse 🌟
Pallas's Sandgrouse / Syrrhaptes paradoxus

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