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Fri, 11/24/2023
Birding report at Iriomote Island(Iriomotejima)

Date and time
Fri, 11/24/2023
- /
15 species
1 species
1 species

Ryukyu Minivet

Scientific Name Pericrocotus tegimae
Ryukyu Minivet


Japanese White-eye(loochooensis)

Scientific Name Zosterops japonicus loochooensis
Japanese White-eye(loochooensis)



修学旅行4日目(9:50〜17:00) 西表野生生物保護センター、由布島、浦内川 カンムリワシは県道215号を走るバス車内から道路脇の木にとまる姿を発見。もちろん写真撮れず。クロツラヘラサギは浦内川でカヌー体験中に2羽が上空通過。西表野生生物保護センター周辺のリュウキュウマツでは大型のアトリ科の群れを確認したが、識別は出来なかった。

Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

Crested Serpent Eagle 🌟
Crested Serpent Eagle / Spilornis cheela
Black-faced Spoonbill
Black-faced Spoonbill / Platalea minor
Osprey / Pandion haliaetus
Pacific Swift
Pacific Swift / Apus pacificus
Ryukyu Minivet (E)
Ryukyu Minivet / Pericrocotus tegimae
Kentish Plover
Kentish Plover / Anarhynchus alexandrinus
Common Sandpiper
Common Sandpiper / Actitis hypoleucos
Pacific Reef Heron
Pacific Reef Heron / Egretta sacra
Eastern Cattle Egret
Eastern Cattle Egret / Bubulcus coromandus
Little Egret
Little Egret / Egretta garzetta
Pacific Swallow
Pacific Swallow / Hirundo tahitica
Japanese White-eye(loochooensis)
Japanese White-eye(loochooensis) / Zosterops japonicus loochooensis
Large-billed Crow(osai)
Large-billed Crow(osai) / Corvus macrorhynchos osai
Oriental Turtle Dove(stimpsoni)
Oriental Turtle Dove(stimpsoni) / Streptopelia orientalis stimpsoni
Brown-eared Bulbul(stejnegeri)
Brown-eared Bulbul(stejnegeri) / Hypsipetes amaurotis stejnegeri
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