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Tue, 12/26/2023
Birding report at Notsuke Peninsula

Date and time
Tue, 12/26/2023
- /
24 species
2 species
0 species

Common Kestrel

Scientific Name Falco tinnunculus
Common Kestrel



Asian Rosy Finch

Scientific Name Leucosticte arctoa
Asian Rosy Finch


30〜50羽位の群れでしたが、1羽だけ雪解け水で水浴びしてました 凍っちゃう! 寒そうです〜

Grey-capped Greenfinch

Scientific Name Chloris sinica
Grey-capped Greenfinch


カワラヒワの群れです 1羽だけベニヒワが一緒にいました よく晴れて知床の山や国後島がくっきり見えていました


見たかったユキホオジロとコクガンは会えなかった コオリガモとビロードキンクロは見れた 嬉しかったのは、チョウゲンボウのホバリングとハギマシコの水浴び、はるか遠くに浮かんでいたケイマフリ エゾシカ、キタキツネ、ゴマフアザラシ

Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

Hen Harrier
Hen Harrier / Circus cyaneus
Dunlin / Calidris alpina
Northern Shoveler
Northern Shoveler / Spatula clypeata
Slaty-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull / Larus schistisagus
Large-billed Crow
Large-billed Crow / Corvus macrorhynchos
Spectacled Guillemot 🌟
Spectacled Guillemot / Cepphus carbo
Red-throated Loon
Red-throated Loon / Gavia stellata
Dusky Thrush
Dusky Thrush / Turdus eunomus
Japanese Tit
Japanese Tit / Parus minor
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker / Dendrocopos major
Rock Dove
Rock Dove / Columba livia
Common Kestrel 🌟
Common Kestrel / Falco tinnunculus
Common Goldeneye
Common Goldeneye / Bucephala clangula
Red-breasted Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser / Mergus serrator
Long-tailed Duck
Long-tailed Duck / Clangula hyemalis
White-tailed Eagle
White-tailed Eagle / Haliaeetus albicilla
White-winged Scoter
White-winged Scoter / Melanitta deglandi
Greater Scaup
Greater Scaup / Aythya marila
Harlequin Duck
Harlequin Duck / Histrionicus histrionicus
Black Scoter
Black Scoter / Melanitta americana
Steller's Sea Eagle
Steller's Sea Eagle / Haliaeetus pelagicus
Asian Rosy Finch
Asian Rosy Finch / Leucosticte arctoa
Common Redpoll
Common Redpoll / Acanthis flammea
Grey-capped Greenfinch
Grey-capped Greenfinch / Chloris sinica
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