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Sat, 1/20/2024
Birding report at Amami Island(General)

Date and time
Sat, 1/20/2024
- /
24 species
5 species
1 species

Brown-eared Bulbul(ogawae)

Scientific Name Hypsipetes amaurotis ogawae
Brown-eared Bulbul(ogawae)

アマミヒヨドリは全体的に灰褐色 桜とのコントラスト


Brown-eared Bulbul(ogawae)



Japanese White-eye(loochooensis)

Scientific Name Zosterops japonicus loochooensis
Japanese White-eye(loochooensis)

ひと足早いサクジロー 奄美大島の緋寒桜にリュウキュウメジロ


Ryukyu Green Pigeon

Scientific Name Treron permagnus
Ryukyu Green Pigeon

海を見下ろす枝にとまっていた 特徴的な鳴き声が森からよく聞こえてきた

♪オーアオあお〜 という虚無僧の尺八のような特徴的な声が森からするので探し回るが見つからず…。あきらめて帰ったら海沿いで見つけた

Japanese Tit(amamiensis)

Scientific Name Parus minor amamiensis
Japanese Tit(amamiensis)


森にも市街地にもいた お腹の色が濃い

Grey-faced Buzzard

Scientific Name Butastur indicus
Grey-faced Buzzard

サシバ幼鳥 奄美では冬鳥 絶滅危惧種だが今回奄美大島で最もよく見かけた猛禽


Black Wood Pigeon

Scientific Name Columba janthina
Black Wood Pigeon

もしや上級鳩民⁉︎ 色・姿・カタチ・立ち姿勢、全てが気品あり美しいカラスバト


Large-billed crow(connectens)

Scientific Name Corvus macrorhynchos connectens
Large-billed crow(connectens)


Pacific Swallow

Scientific Name Hirundo tahitica
Pacific Swallow

奄美大島では留鳥 リュウキュウツバメ

Lidth's Jay

Scientific Name Garrulus lidthi
Lidth's Jay


翼と尾の先に白斑あり カケスより尾羽が長い気がする

Lidth's Jay

喉の白い斑点がヒゲみたいなルリカケス 羽の黒い部分は実際は青紫

Black-crowned Night Heron

Scientific Name Nycticorax nycticorax
Black-crowned Night Heron


Greater White-fronted Goose

Scientific Name Anser albifrons
Greater White-fronted Goose

マガンとヒシクイどちらも奄美では迷鳥 どちらも仲間とはぐれ寂しくて一緒につるんでる?

Tundra Bean Goose

Scientific Name Anser serrirostris
Tundra Bean Goose

ヒシクイ 英名Tundra Bean Goose ツンドラなのになんでこんな南の島までひとりで飛んできた?

Common Snipe

Scientific Name Gallinago gallinago
Common Snipe


Green Sandpiper

Scientific Name Tringa ochropus
Green Sandpiper

記録用 車の窓ガラス越しにクサシギ

Eastern Yellow Wagtail

Scientific Name Motacilla tschutschensis
Eastern Yellow Wagtail


Russet Sparrow

Scientific Name Passer cinnamomeus
Russet Sparrow

ニュウナイスズメ雄と雌 小群で電線にとまっていた 近くには普通のスズメもいた

Japanese Bush Warbler(restricta)

Scientific Name Cettia diphone restricta
Japanese Bush Warbler(restricta)

亜種ダイトウウグイス? 上面がウグイスより褐色味が強い、別角度の写真では下面も暗色



Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

Brown-eared Bulbul(ogawae)
Brown-eared Bulbul(ogawae) / Hypsipetes amaurotis ogawae
Japanese White-eye(loochooensis)
Japanese White-eye(loochooensis) / Zosterops japonicus loochooensis
Eastern Buzzard
Eastern Buzzard / Buteo japonicus
Ryukyu Green Pigeon 🌟
Ryukyu Green Pigeon / Treron permagnus
Japanese Tit(amamiensis) 🌟
Japanese Tit(amamiensis) / Parus minor amamiensis
Blue Rock Thrush
Blue Rock Thrush / Monticola solitarius
Grey-faced Buzzard
Grey-faced Buzzard / Butastur indicus
White Wagtail
White Wagtail / Motacilla alba
Grey Wagtail
Grey Wagtail / Motacilla cinerea
Black Wood Pigeon 🌟
Black Wood Pigeon / Columba janthina
Large-billed crow(connectens)
Large-billed crow(connectens) / Corvus macrorhynchos connectens
Oriental Turtle Dove(stimpsoni)
Oriental Turtle Dove(stimpsoni) / Streptopelia orientalis stimpsoni
Pacific Swallow
Pacific Swallow / Hirundo tahitica
Lidth's Jay (E) 🌟
Lidth's Jay / Garrulus lidthi
Black-crowned Night Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron / Nycticorax nycticorax
Greater White-fronted Goose
Greater White-fronted Goose / Anser albifrons
Tundra Bean Goose
Tundra Bean Goose / Anser serrirostris
Common Snipe
Common Snipe / Gallinago gallinago
Green Sandpiper
Green Sandpiper / Tringa ochropus
Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Eastern Yellow Wagtail / Motacilla tschutschensis
Russet Sparrow
Russet Sparrow / Passer cinnamomeus
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Eurasian Tree Sparrow / Passer montanus
Japanese Bush Warbler
Japanese Bush Warbler / Horornis diphone
Japanese Bush Warbler(restricta) 🌟
Japanese Bush Warbler(restricta) / Cettia diphone restricta
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