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Fri, 6/3/2016
Birding report at 焼岳

Date and time
Fri, 6/3/2016 AM8:00〜PM1:30
wb_sunny / 20
13 species
9 species
0 species

Eurasian Jay

Scientific Name Garrulus glandarius

Oriental Cuckoo

Scientific Name Cuculus optatus

Coal Tit

Scientific Name Periparus ater

Japanese Bush Warbler

Scientific Name Horornis diphone

Alpine Accentor

Scientific Name Prunella collaris

Pacific Swift

Scientific Name Apus pacificus

Japanese Robin

Scientific Name Larvivora akahige


Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

Eurasian Jay 🌟
Eurasian Jay / Garrulus glandarius
Oriental Cuckoo 🌟
Oriental Cuckoo / Cuculus optatus
Coal Tit 🌟
Coal Tit / Periparus ater
Japanese Bush Warbler
Japanese Bush Warbler / Horornis diphone
Alpine Accentor 🌟
Alpine Accentor / Prunella collaris
Pacific Swift 🌟
Pacific Swift / Apus pacificus
Japanese Robin 🌟
Japanese Robin / Larvivora akahige
Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker
Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker / Yungipicus kizuki
Siberian Blue Robin
Siberian Blue Robin / Larvivora cyane
Lesser Cuckoo 🌟
Lesser Cuckoo / Cuculus poliocephalus
Common Cuckoo 🌟
Common Cuckoo / Cuculus canorus
Great Spotted Woodpecker 🌟
Great Spotted Woodpecker / Dendrocopos major
Sakhalin Leaf Warbler
Sakhalin Leaf Warbler / Phylloscopus borealoides

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