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Sat, 10/19/2019
Birding report at オーストラリア

Date and time
Sat, 10/19/2019 AM5:50〜AM8:25
wb_sunny /
17 species
0 species
4 species

Banded Honeyeater

Scientific Name Cissomela pectoralis

Yellow-tinted Honeyeater

Scientific Name Ptilotula flavescens

White-bellied Cuckooshrike

Scientific Name Coracina papuensis


Scientific Name Grallina cyanoleuca

Little Friarbird

Scientific Name Philemon citreogularis

Comb-crested Jacana

Scientific Name Irediparra gallinacea

Golden-shouldered Parrot

Scientific Name Psephotellus chrysopterygius

Green Pygmy Goose

Scientific Name Nettapus pulchellus

Australasian Grebe

Scientific Name Tachybaptus novaehollandiae


Scientific Name Eolophus roseicapilla

Unknown Species

Pale-headed Rosella

Scientific Name Platycercus adscitus

Australasian Darter

Scientific Name Anhinga novaehollandiae

キビタイヒスイインコの宿周辺~アカオオタカの巣があった場所付近~レイクフィールド国立公園付近。 場所が秘密だったり移動範囲が広大なため、フィールドノートは「オーストラリア」で登録。 キビタイヒスイインコは池に集まってくる様子がたくさん見られた! アカオオタカは軽く探したがやはり不在になってしまっているようで、鳥的にも往路とほぼ同様。クロオビミツスイとキイロコバシミツスイがうろちょろしていた。

Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

Banded Honeyeater (E)
Banded Honeyeater / Cissomela pectoralis
Yellow-tinted Honeyeater
Yellow-tinted Honeyeater / Ptilotula flavescens
White-bellied Cuckooshrike
White-bellied Cuckooshrike / Coracina papuensis
Magpie-lark / Grallina cyanoleuca
Bar-shouldered Dove
Bar-shouldered Dove / Geopelia humeralis
Little Friarbird
Little Friarbird / Philemon citreogularis
Comb-crested Jacana
Comb-crested Jacana / Irediparra gallinacea
Golden-shouldered Parrot (E)
Golden-shouldered Parrot / Psephotellus chrysopterygius
Green Pygmy Goose
Green Pygmy Goose / Nettapus pulchellus
Australasian Grebe
Australasian Grebe / Tachybaptus novaehollandiae
Red-winged Parrot
Red-winged Parrot / Aprosmictus erythropterus
Rainbow Lorikeet
Rainbow Lorikeet / Trichoglossus moluccanus
Torresian Crow
Torresian Crow / Corvus orru
Blue-faced Honeyeater
Blue-faced Honeyeater / Entomyzon cyanotis
Galah (E)
Galah / Eolophus roseicapilla
Pale-headed Rosella (E)
Pale-headed Rosella / Platycercus adscitus
Australasian Darter
Australasian Darter / Anhinga novaehollandiae

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