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Sun, 11/10/2019
Birding report at 相模川

Date and time
Sun, 11/10/2019 AM7:25〜AM9:05
wb_sunny / 11
16 species
0 species
0 species

Black Kite

Scientific Name Milvus migrans
Black Kite


Little Egret

Scientific Name Egretta garzetta
Little Egret


Black-headed Gull

Scientific Name Chroicocephalus ridibundus
Black-headed Gull



相模川右岸(厚木市側)の厚木村渡船場跡〜小田急相模川橋梁間と、あゆみ橋の上から観察。 真っ青な秋空の下、ユリカモメ、コサギ、ダイサギ、トビ、ハシボソガラスなどが飛び交っていました。水面ではコガモ、カルガモ、カワウ、カンムリカイツブリが、川原ではハクセキレイやイソシギが活発に動き回っていて、にぎやかで楽しい朝でした。

Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

Eastern Spot-billed Duck
Eastern Spot-billed Duck / Anas zonorhyncha
Great Crested Grebe
Great Crested Grebe / Podiceps cristatus
White Wagtail
White Wagtail / Motacilla alba
Great Egret
Great Egret / Ardea alba
Oriental Turtle Dove
Oriental Turtle Dove / Streptopelia orientalis
Black Kite
Black Kite / Milvus migrans
Common Kestrel
Common Kestrel / Falco tinnunculus
Common Sandpiper
Common Sandpiper / Actitis hypoleucos
Little Egret
Little Egret / Egretta garzetta
White-cheeked Starling
White-cheeked Starling / Spodiopsar cineraceus
Great Cormorant
Great Cormorant / Phalacrocorax carbo
Brown-eared Bulbul
Brown-eared Bulbul / Hypsipetes amaurotis
Eurasian Teal
Eurasian Teal / Anas crecca
Carrion Crow
Carrion Crow / Corvus corone
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Eurasian Tree Sparrow / Passer montanus
Black-headed Gull
Black-headed Gull / Chroicocephalus ridibundus
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