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Sun, 11/21/2021
Birding report at 草津下物

Date and time
Sun, 11/21/2021 AM8:30〜AM11:40
wb_cloudy / 15
27 species
2 species
0 species

Common Pochard

Scientific Name Aythya ferina

Little Egret

Scientific Name Egretta garzetta

Water Pipit

Scientific Name Anthus spinoletta

White Wagtail

Scientific Name Motacilla alba

Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Scientific Name Passer montanus

Brown-eared Bulbul

Scientific Name Hypsipetes amaurotis

Bull-headed Shrike

Scientific Name Lanius bucephalus

Eurasian Sparrowhawk

Scientific Name Accipiter nisus

Great Egret

Scientific Name Ardea alba

Grey Heron

Scientific Name Ardea cinerea

Black-headed Gull

Scientific Name Chroicocephalus ridibundus

Grey-headed Lapwing

Scientific Name Vanellus cinereus

Northern Lapwing

Scientific Name Vanellus vanellus

Black-winged Stilt

Scientific Name Himantopus himantopus

Eurasian Coot

Scientific Name Fulica atra
Eurasian Coot


Black-necked Grebe

Scientific Name Podiceps nigricollis

Great Crested Grebe

Scientific Name Podiceps cristatus


Scientific Name Mergellus albellus

Meadow Bunting

Scientific Name Emberiza cioides

Eurasian Teal

Scientific Name Anas crecca


Scientific Name Anas platyrhynchos

真ん中 カルガモ×マガモ??

Eastern Spot-billed Duck

Scientific Name Anas zonorhyncha

Eurasian Wigeon

Scientific Name Mareca penelope

Northern Shoveler

Scientific Name Spatula clypeata

Common Shelduck

Scientific Name Tadorna tadorna

Northern Pintail

Scientific Name Anas acuta

物下探鳥会 見聞鳥:ツクシガモ、オカヨシガモ、ヨシガモ、ヒドリガモ、マガモ、カルガモ、ハシビロガモ、オナガガモ、トモエガモ、コガモ、ホシハジロ、キンクロハジロ、スズガモ、ミコアイサ、カイツブリ、カンムリカイツブリ、ハジロカイツブリ、キジバト、カワウ、アオサギ、ダイサギ、コサギ、バン、オオバン、タゲリ、ケリ、セイタカシギ、タシギ、イソシギ、ユリカモメ、ズグロカモメ、カモメ、トビ、チュウヒ、ハイタカ、ノスリ、カワセミ、チョウゲンボウ、モズ、ハシボソガラス、ハシブトガラス、シジュウカラ、ヒバリ、ヒヨドリ、ウグイス、メジロ、ムクドリ、シロハラ、ツグミ、ジョウビタキ、スズメ、ハクセキレイ、セグロセキレイ、タヒバリ、カワラヒワ、ホオジロ、アオジ 計57種類+ドバト

Observation birds

🌟 means your lifer, number means population.

Common Pochard
Common Pochard / Aythya ferina
Little Egret
Little Egret / Egretta garzetta
Water Pipit
Water Pipit / Anthus spinoletta
White Wagtail
White Wagtail / Motacilla alba
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Eurasian Tree Sparrow / Passer montanus
Brown-eared Bulbul
Brown-eared Bulbul / Hypsipetes amaurotis
Bull-headed Shrike
Bull-headed Shrike / Lanius bucephalus
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Eurasian Sparrowhawk / Accipiter nisus
Great Egret
Great Egret / Ardea alba
Grey Heron
Grey Heron / Ardea cinerea
Black-headed Gull
Black-headed Gull / Chroicocephalus ridibundus
Grey-headed Lapwing
Grey-headed Lapwing / Vanellus cinereus
Northern Lapwing
Northern Lapwing / Vanellus vanellus
Black-winged Stilt 🌟
Black-winged Stilt / Himantopus himantopus
Eurasian Coot
Eurasian Coot / Fulica atra
Black-necked Grebe
Black-necked Grebe / Podiceps nigricollis
Great Crested Grebe
Great Crested Grebe / Podiceps cristatus
Smew / Mergellus albellus
Tufted Duck
Tufted Duck / Aythya fuligula
Meadow Bunting
Meadow Bunting / Emberiza cioides
Eurasian Teal
Eurasian Teal / Anas crecca
Mallard / Anas platyrhynchos
Eastern Spot-billed Duck
Eastern Spot-billed Duck / Anas zonorhyncha
Eurasian Wigeon
Eurasian Wigeon / Mareca penelope
Northern Shoveler
Northern Shoveler / Spatula clypeata
Common Shelduck 🌟
Common Shelduck / Tadorna tadorna
Northern Pintail
Northern Pintail / Anas acuta

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